harris-blog is a static blog built with Next.js, utilizing Notion as a content management system (CMS). It supports blog post and resume page formats and is deployed on Vercel. Features include writing articles with Notion, being SEO-friendly, customizable, and plugin support. Users can get started by forking the repository, copying the Notion template link, cloning the repository, and configuring environment variables.
This product is adjusted from the morethan-log project, inheriting all the advantages, and of course, the disadvantages are inherited as well.
- Writing with Notion: Users can update website content without submitting to GitHub; posts on Notion will automatically sync to the website.
- Page Format: Can be used as a full-page website for resumes or portfolios.
- SEO-Friendly: Dynamically generates OG images (thumbnails) and sitemaps.
- Customization and Plugins: Supports customization of profile information, and plugins for Google Analytics, Search Console, and comments.
- Getting Started: Includes steps for starring the repository, forking to personal account, copying the Notion template link, cloning the repository, customizing configuration, and deploying on Vercel.
- Contribution Guide: Provides a link to the contribution guide for developers interested in contributing code.
- License: Licensed under the MIT license, it is an open-source project.
- About: The project is customized from morethan-log and is a static blog that uses a Notion database.
- 作者:notion2go
- 链接:https://notion2go.com/article/harris-blog
- 声明:本文采用 CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 许可协议,转载请注明出处。