发布于: 2024-8-20最后更新: 2024-9-9字数 00 分钟

Astro, a super popular frontend framework in 2023, is loved by geeks for its great performance and SEO features. I think the project has reached a level where it can be used daily, but since I haven't deployed it, I'm not sure how many pitfalls there are—so brave folks might want to give it a shot.
Features: Project Highlights: The Astro Notion Blog lets you create a blog using Notion and can generate static pages for fast loading. Quick Start: You'll need Notion, Cloudflare Pages, and Git. Just copy the template page in Notion, create an integration, get your API key, and then deploy on Cloudflare Pages. Customization: Requires Node.js; set environment variables, install dependencies, and run a local server for customization. Deployment Requirements: You'll need to manually deploy every time you publish a new post or update, or set up a CI tool for scheduled deployments. Project Support: Users are encouraged to star the project to motivate developers and there are sponsorship options to support software development. Tech Stack: Mainly developed using Astro, JavaScript, and TypeScript, with a bit of CSS code.

A tool for generating a website from Notion on the super.so platform.

A tool for generating a website from Notion on the super.so platform.

Super is a platform for building custom websites based on Notion, allowing users to quickly transform Notion pages into professional websites. It offers high performance, SEO optimization, and instant page loading for an enhanced user experience. It supports no-code themes and designer templates, optimizes SEO, and provides features like custom domain names and SSL.

Notion Nice

Notion Nice

One-click formatting and distribution of Notion content, including WeChat public accounts and other platforms.