发布于: 2024-8-27最后更新: 2024-9-9字数 00 分钟

  • NotionEasyForm is a form creation tool based on the Notion platform, allowing users to create surveys or contact forms within a minute, with responses automatically saved to a Notion database. This service offers multi-language support, with a particular emphasis on 100% Japanese support, and focuses on security and privacy.
  • The service provides three different subscription plans to meet the needs of various users.
  • Despite being a Japanese website, it is quite easy to use.
  • Ease of Form Creation: Users can complete most of the form creation by simply creating a Notion database, supporting the use of existing databases.
  • Centralized Data Management: Form submissions are automatically saved in the Notion database, achieving centralized data management and improving efficiency.
  • Versatile Applications: Forms can be embedded in Notion pages or homepages and can also be shared via email or social media links, supporting various usage forms.
  • Language Support: Addressing the issue where many tools display form error messages in English, NotionEasyForm offers comprehensive Japanese support.
  • Security and Privacy: Form input content is only saved in Notion and is encrypted when sent to Notion, ensuring data security.
How to Use:
  1. Log in
    1. notion image
  1. Connect to a Notion database
    1. notion image
  1. Edit the form
    1. notion image
      notion image
  1. Save and take effect
    1. notion image
  1. Visit (click on the resource submission on the homepage) to view the actual effect.
    1. notion image
  1. You can set up icons to display on your Notion homepage, so that when new data comes in, you can see it immediately.
    1. notion image

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