Notion Boost is a browser extension designed to enhance productivity and reduce distractions in Notion by adding extra features and adjustments. Here are some of the main features of Notion Boost:
- Display a sticky outline (table of contents): Suitable for pages with headings or subheadings.
- Set full width as the default for all pages.
- Set a small font size as the default for all pages.
- Add a "Scroll to Top" button.
- Disable the AI menu when the spacebar is pressed.
- Show full text when hovering over table cells.
- Close the slash command menu with the spacebar.
- Disable the slash command menu that appears when '/' is pressed.
- Hide the floating help button on all pages.
- Align document images to the left instead of centering them.
- Show line numbers for code blocks.
- Enable spell check within code blocks.
- Do not display a popup menu when pasting external links.
- Hide the red notification icon on the sidebar.
- Increase page height by hiding top padding, image covers, and icons.
- Make bold text bolder when using Notion in dark mode.
- Truly hide "hidden columns" in the kanban view.
- Hide the comments section from all pages.
- Hide the backlinks section from all pages.
- Open the full page instead of the preview.
- Reduce the spacing between list items.
- Add indentation lines for lists.
- Make rollup URLs clickable.
- Add frames to images.
- Hide placeholders: Enter '/' for commands.
- 作者:notion2go
- 链接:https://notion2go.com/article/Notion-Boost
- 声明:本文采用 CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 许可协议,转载请注明出处。