发布于: 2024-6-7最后更新: 2024-9-8字数 00 分钟

This website introduces a PHP library called notion-sdk-php, which is the PHP version of the Notion official API, allowing users to choose different HTTP clients to send HTTP messages through the PSR-18 client abstraction. The article provides installation instructions, usage examples, error handling methods, client option configurations, as well as how to contribute code and project license information.
  • Project Introduction: Notion SDK for PHP is a PHP version of the Notion official API, allowing users to operate Notion's features using the PHP language.
  • Installation Method: Installed via Composer, it is not limited to specific HTTP message sending libraries and supports PSR-18 client abstraction.
  • Quick Start: Provides a quick start guide using the Symfony HTTP client, including installation commands and example code for initializing the client.
  • Usage Examples: Demonstrates how to use the client to request Notion API endpoints, with examples of requests and responses.
  • Error Handling: Describes the ApiResponseException that is thrown when the API returns an unsuccessful response, and how to handle errors.
  • Client Options: The client supports various initialization options, including authentication, timeout settings, base URL, and HTTP client.

React Notion X

React Notion X

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Python tool for exporting all the contents of a Notion page using the official Notion API. Includes: all nested subpages, markdown files and HTMLs, beautiful URLs.