NotionMetrics is a service that integrates key metrics into Notion pages in real-time, providing the ability to connect accounts, create metric blocks, and embed refreshes. It is priced on a per-track basis, with individual and team plans designed to simplify reporting and data monitoring.
Product Overview: NotionMetrics allows users to integrate real-time data dashboards into Notion pages, avoiding the need for multiple dashboards and increasing efficiency.
Connect Accounts: Users connect accounts to the dashboard through a secure process.
Create a metric block: The user gets a unique URL that acts as an embed code to display the metric in Notion.
Embed & Refresh: Create embed blocks in Notion that automatically update the data every time the page is refreshed.
Examples of metrics:
User metrics: Include total subscribers, subscribers by tag, daily visits, daily sessions, and bounce rate.
Financial metrics: Include bank balances, daily productivity hours, daily revenue, and monthly revolving income.
Pricing Plans:
Team Plan: $15 per month for creating 12 metric blocks, suitable for teams or heavy users to track multiple projects.
Pro Plan: $5 per month for creating 3 metric blocks, suitable for entrepreneurs and small teams to track key metrics.
- 作者:notion2go
- 链接:https://notion2go.com/article/Notion-Metrics
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