发布于: 2024-8-15最后更新: 2024-9-9字数 00 分钟

notion image
BlockNote is a block-based rich text editor designed for React, aiming to provide an easy-to-set-up, top-notch user experience. It organizes documents through blocks, making it easy for users to structure content and for developers to program interactions. BlockNote supports high customization, allowing users to create custom block types and custom UX elements, and it can even be used with plain JavaScript, not just React.


  • BlockNote Overview: BlockNote is an easy-to-set-up rich text editor that offers a user experience comparable to industry leaders like Notion, Google Docs, or Coda.
  • Block-Based Design: Unlike other rich text editor libraries that require extensive customization work, BlockNote provides ready-to-use and animated UI with a modern block-based design.
  • Extensibility: With extensibility in mind, BlockNote allows users to customize documents and create custom block types, and advanced users can even build their own UI from scratch.

popsy-Popular Notion website building tool.

popsy-Popular Notion website building tool.

Offers a variety of templates, one-click publishing, and free illustrations and icons.

Notelet  Building a website with Notion.

Notelet Building a website with Notion.

Notelet is a website building and blogging platform based on Notion, allowing users to create personalized websites without programming skills. It offers custom domain names, analytics tools, themes, and support for custom scripts, and allows you to fully edit website content through Notion.